Monday, January 9, 2012

A Joyful New Year!

At the mark of a new year, my heart is filled to the brim with life. I have been feeling I've embarked upon a year of blessing and renewal. I have been given a new job that will allow me ample time to visit family and friends, (or have them come visit me!) Father God has opened so many ways to get plugged in and form community where I am. I have real family here that continually pours into me and shows me who I want to be.
Already, some of my weak areas have been exposed so that I have a clue where to walk. I'm seeing that in order to grow, I must be teachable. Being teachable means being humble enough to admit that I don't know it all and that other people, or God Himself, may actually know more than me. In my mind, I know this to be true, but I don't often let it penetrate within so that I can glean from the wisdom around me. I'm also being opened up to what true relationship and communion is, how it was designed by the Master Creator. Part of that ties into being teachable. Relationship is about being outward focused, and from others you gain as well. I'm beginning to crave that relationship with my Father again, (because honestly it's been missing for quite a while,) and my time with Him has been really...well, I can't even pinpoint an adjective to use right now, but let's just says GOOD!
The sweetest of all blessings has come in the form of a precious soul I love finding Truth. One of my closest K-babies, pictured with me above, is on the verge of busting into the mystery of Christ and I couldn't be more happy or anxious to welcome this sweet peanut into the family! Coming back to Korea was something so hard set into my heart that I couldn't deny or run away from the call. If the Father called me back just for this one lamb, I'm so glad He did! Of course I hope all the other little lambs I love so much will shortly follow. If you are reading this, please stop now and ask that the Lord would bring Yoon Seo to know the Him soon, that her father would come to know Him also (and not be angry Yoon Seo is seeking before the set age he told her she could be when she found her own faith), and a big praise for the work He's already done in her sister's life!
My joy abounds! My heart is so full that it's just taking me by surprise!! When we catch glimpses into the gloriousness of eternity, it sparks a fire in our hearts to get other people in on the riches. That's where I am now. I can't wait to see how Father keeps adding to the Kingdom. I want more brothers and sisters...I want all these precious little lives that I care so deeply for to dance for and exalt the King of Kings alongside me in heaven! God is definitely good all the time. He seeks us out, shows us His heart and we so easily get overwhelmed by scratching the surface of how wide and deep and great He really is!