Friday, July 24, 2009

Undeserved love, love, love

Tonight I met up with an old friend. I have seen her grow up. I've gotten to go beyond pouring into her life as a 7th grade girl...we became sisters, equals, and somewhere along the way she began to pour into my life. As I waited for her to come back from the potty I realized every step of my life as a young adult and now adult life has been laced with women who LOVE me...really, really love me! Women who have seen my natural joyful side and then have seen my fallen, depraved, very human side. They have seen me mess up several times, seen the consequences of my actions, seen my pain, heartache, lack of will to live AND STILL LOVED ME! They have shown me time and time again that they will not give up on me, they won't leave me, they won't grow tired of me. They love beyond understanding, beyond reason, beyond comprehension...they love me like Christ does.

Honestly, I have yet to meet a man who has shown me this. Maybe it's because women understand. We all have similar needs, desires, struggles. We all think we are not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, thin enough, together enough...we never fit our own ideas of perfection. There are some who give up...they don't want to run the race along a fallen sister, but there are those who always have persevered along side of me. I do not deserve this. I have done nothing to warrant such sweet companionship. But they have chosen to be there, to show up, to cry and laugh and fight and pray regardless of my attitude or nasty disposition. Because of these women, I am able to love others. Because of them I have gotten a very real picture of Christ's love for me...of His Kingdom, His mercy. There are too many to even tag...I mean really, how do I deserve all that? But I will always be forever grateful!!! They are the ones who help me cope with being single, with gaining weight, with tattered pieces of a broken heart.

I love you sweet sisters, from the bottom of my heart. I hope you know who you are and I pray you are paid back in full for the love you have shown me...a broken soul, trying to live the life God has for me!